Egeasya - Vegetable Seedlings
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Vegetable Seedlings

Vegetable Seedlings

As Egeasya Tarım, we offer high quality and healthy vegetable seedlings to meet the needs of farmers. Our vegetable seedlings are carefully grown under optimal growing conditions and recommended to customers with healthy root systems.

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Offering a wide selection of vegetable seedlings, we supply a variety of vegetable seedlings to meet the needs of our customers. There are various seedlings of many vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini.


A Healthy Root System

For a healthy start, the root systems of our seedlings are carefully monitored and strongly developed. This allows the seedlings to better adapt to the soil and experience a healthy growth process.


Hygienic Breeding Conditions

Our seedlings are grown in a hygienic environment and regularly checked for diseases. This allows us to provide our customers with quality and disease-free seedlings.


Professional Support

We offer our customers expert advice and support on vegetable seedlings. We guide our customers on proper planting, maintenance and disease protection.